St John

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A few years ago Josh and I created a list of the Top 5 places we want to travel (see the list at the end). Last spring we were able to cross the first place of our list! Somewhere tropical - St John, US Virgin Islands! I have been to the island a few times when I was younger, but this time was extra special since it was the first time Josh and I got to travel long distance together. We also left a few days after my graduation, so it was the perfect way to celebrate. My family came along as well, meaning it was definitely one of my favorite trips EVER!

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The downside to St John is that the travel process is a bit longer. We flew into the airport in St Thomas and then took a van all the way to the other side of the island. Here we took a ferry over to St John and were able to rent a car to travel to our rental house. Either way the travel was well worth it since the island is GORGEOUS. Above are a few pictures of our house and first day on the island.

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The whole week pretty much consisted of beaching, snorkeling, driving around exploring, or just relaxing at the house. I had seen this cool tire swing on pinterest and really wanted to see it in person. It was down a big hill on a really tiny beach, so I was surprised to actually find it! We also went to a ton of bars and restaurants. I can’t remember any of the names off the top of my head, but they were all so good! Below are some go pro shots from snorkeling. We saw so many cool animals, like sea turtles, sting ray, and octopus!


Our house was located on Coral Bay which was on the opposite side of the island (away from Cruz Bay – the main town). This was great since there were less people on the Coral Bay side. Josh and I went on a date night to explore Cruz Bay and all the little shops and bars. Most people walk over there, so all the bars allowed you to take alcoholic drinks to go (which was awesome!). PS whoops, I forgot to take pictures over at Cruz Bay!

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On another night, we took an adventure up to Ram’s Head cliff (above). It was quite the hike, but definitely worth it! All you could see was ocean all around! Later we explored Drunk Bay, which is at a part of the island where the tide is constantly washing up all sorts of things (trash, ropes, dead coral, things from boats). I know this sounds gross, but it was honestly really cool because people used these items to build little sculptures and words. It’s a tradition in my family to go here every time we visit St John to build things. Check out what we created below.

The other cool area we checked out was the Sugar Mill ruins. I didn’t take many pictures here, but it was so cool to see all the old stone left over from the buildings. And as always, there was a great view!

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So in conclusion, we had an AMAZING time. I am so glad I was able to experience this trip with both Josh and my family. Josh and I have always had a dream to travel, so I am so excited we were able to cross something off our list. Scroll down for our plans for future travels (: Thanks for reading!

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Top 5 Travel List!        

1. Somewhere tropical (check!) 

2. New England Roadtrip            

3. Colorado Skiing                      

4. Italy                                          

5. Iceland