
Thanks for stopping in to check out my new website, it truly means a lot!

I have been contemplating creating this for awhile now. To be honest, this was one of my resolutions from 2017 and I waited until the last week of the year to get started (I swear I'm usually not that much of a procrastinator!). There are still quite a few changes I plan to make, but done is better than perfect right?

So "the journey" is basically the blog portion of this site. Here you can find photography info, full sessions, and who knows? Maybe some personal posts (travel, adventures, inspiration, that sort of thing). At this point I have no idea where this photography/life journey will take me, and I'd be lying if I said this isn't a little intimidating. But if there's one thing I've learned from 2017, it's that if you spend your whole life being afraid to put yourself out there, you will never grow to your full potential. So here's to 2018. The year for taking chances.