Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019
Wow! I seriously can't believe we are already celebrating the new year. I swear every year that goes by just keeps going faster and faster. But as 2018 comes to an end… I want to take a moment to reminisce on all the things that have happened this year.
I made it official and created this website for my photography
Josh started a new job
I completed my first school year as an elementary school therapist (and started my second year!) & started the long process of working towards licensure
We went to Smith Mountain Lake, the Finger Lakes, our cabin, & the beach
Josh turned 29 and I turned 26
We celebrated the engagement of our best friends
We bought a house (and have been doing a ton of work getting settled!)
We have done a LOT of work getting the wedding in order-maybe I’ll do a separate post on this :)
And on top of that, we accomplished so many personal goals that we had set for 2018
As I have mentioned many times before.. I love a good fresh start. And the new year is no exception! I love to make goals to help keep myself focused on my priorities and to boost my personal development. I encourage you to do the same! Below I created a few tips for creating goals so that you can take on 2019!
I recommend sitting down and reflecting on the previous year. What went well? What was difficult? What do you hope will be different in the new year? This will help you prioritize the changes you want to make.
There are so many ways to do this, but I love to divide my goals in to five categories (mental health, physical health, creative, career, & relationship). This is just my personal preference!
Think about the baby steps. This is so important! It can be so easy to create a big goal, but yet have no idea how to get started. Make a list of small things you can do to build your way up to reaching that bigger goal. This will help keep your goals clear & measurable.
How will you work towards these goals? This year I decided to switch things up a bit. I’m still creating goals within those five categories. But instead of creating one big goal, each month I will create a mini goal to focus on (ie 30 day yoga challenge, money saving challenge, etc). I wanted to try something new this year, but it’s also an opportunity to start small habits that I can continue to build on and practice throughout the year.
My biggest piece of advice here is to give yourself grace. Be realistic about what you are working towards, and remember that no one is perfect. There is no way that anyone can be on top of reaching their goals 24/7. Accept that you will have days where you slack, but just look back at why you started & keep working towards it!
So here are just a few of my goals for 2019!
Get Healthy! Both on the inside and the outside.
Be more intentional with my time (and money)
Read more books
Regular date nights with Josh
Keep building my photography business & sharing more of my personal life
These are pretty general goals, but this is the gist of what I will be working on. I am so excited to look back on 2019 and see all the awesome things I have accomplished. I hope you all have an amazing New Year! Get out there and crush those resolutions!