12 Tips For Getting Out of a Rut

So it’s that time of year again….

You know.. that time of year where you’ve got your mind set on warmer weather, but the snow and freezing temperatures just won’t quit. Even though there’s some parts of winter that I love (hot chocolate for example), I always find myself feeling those winter blues. I start waking up not feeling very excited for the day ahead, skipping the work outs, eating junk food, and just overall feeling crappy. BUT, I’ve also gotten pretty good at snapping myself out of it and getting back on track. Here are 12 things that always work for me!


12 Tips For Getting Out of a Rut

  1. Work out & eat better

    • I’ve found this to be the easiest and most effective way to make myself feel better almost immediately. I mean don’t get me wrong, I DREAD going to the gym when it’s out of my routine… but I ALWAYS feel amazing afterwards.

  2. Get more sleep

    • Again… super simple, but also makes all the difference! Even just getting to bed a half hour earlier can help!

  3. Readjust your morning routine

    • This is sometimes easier said that done for me. Depending on your job, you may have limited time in the morning to get yourself up and ready for the day. How do you want to spend that time? For me that meant getting up a little bit earlier, brewing that coffee, and maybe squeezing in some quick yoga stretches. To be completely honest, waking up earlier is a struggle for me, but I love having that extra time in the morning.. And once I’m in a routine it gets soo much easier!

  4. Self care for the mind

    • This means a number of things for me… yoga, books, podcasts, trashy reality tv…. Set aside time for whatever leaves you feeling relaxed, happy, and inspired!

  5. Stop avoiding

    • You know all those daunting tasks you’ve been dreading, but just keep pushing it out of your mind? JUST DO IT! Seriously, you will feel so much better once you never need to think about it again. And to be honest, most of the time they are easy, small tasks anyways. For me, to do lists always help me get back on track :)

  6. Challenge your thought process

    • This one is so important! Even for just one day… Pay attention to your thoughts and how they make you feel. So often our brains are full of so much automatic negativity that makes us feel awful and we don’t even notice! I know actively changing your thoughts is way easier said than done, but the first step is recognition. Maybe I’ll share more thoughts on this in a future post.

  7. Stay in your own lane

    • I’m sure many of you have heard this saying before. To summarize... Stay focused on your own life! Don’t worry about everyone else and what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. Don’t fall into the comparison trap. Everyone has their own story and their own journey. By all means, uplift each other! But don’t let the success of others hinder your own progress.

  8. Know when it’s time to back off social media

    • I know social media can get a bad rap, but to be honest about 90% of the time I find many aspects of social media to be inspiring. BUT when I’m already feeling down and having a bad day… I scroll through thinking nothing but negativity. That’s when I know it’s time to take a break.

  9. Start a new positive habit

    • It can be anything! A new workout program, drinking more water, daily walks, reading more. Whatever makes you feel a little bit better each day.

  10. Talk about it

    • I know not everyone will necessarily agree with this, but I love to vent when I’m frustrated/stressed/sad/whatever. It’s the best way for me to process everything and get it out of my head. Maybe that’s not too surprising coming from a therapist, but it works for me! And Josh is a great listener :)

  11. Clean up your space

    • This could be your house, bedroom, or office. Wherever you spend most of your time. I don’t know about you, but living in clutter makes my brain feel cluttered! Clean everything, throw things away, give it a refresh. I promise it will clear your mind too.

  12. Appreciate the little things

    • I’ve talked about the importance of gratitude in the past and I still stand by it! Stop. Look around. There are so many amazing things in your life to feel beyond happy about. Focus on that.

So there you have it. Twelve strategies that always pick me up when I’m down. Now, I am in no way claiming to follow all of these tips all of the time. It’s definitely hard to keep up with! But whenever I find myself feeling down, following these steps always seem to do the trick. Plus, it’s officially spring, so it’s the perfect opportunity for a little refresh! No better time to start than today (:

xoxo, thanks for reading!
