6 Mindset Shifts To Make Today
Hey there! I’m assuming you’ve landed on this page, because you’re like me… interested in psychology or self development, or maybe you’re just feeling in a rut and ready to get some inspiration. Either way you’re in the right place. Let’s get to it!
6 Mindset Shifts To Make Today
Other people have it better than me
With social media this trap is SO easy to fall into on a daily basis. I’m sure you’ve heard before that social media is a highlight reel, which is so true! And of course it’s fun to scroll through instagram to get a little inspiration, but don’t forget that there is likely to much more behind the scenes.
Other people are just lucky
This one goes along with the previous. It’s the idea that other’s success has just been handed to them, but the truth is that there is no such thing as an overnight success. I guarantee that behind everything you see there has been countless amounts of time, energy, failures, and so on —- that led them to where they are today.
There’s not enough
Time, money, success, love, resources, whatever! So much of our society is geared toward making us believe that what we have or what we are is not enough. And to put it simply, it’s not true. Whatever you truly want to have you can choose to make a priority. Besides, regardless of what you’re thinking about.. you are enough!
Other people can control the way I feel
This one is SOO important! It’s so easy to believe that other people have the power to control over the way we feel (ex: he said this, she said that), BUT in reality… no one can have control over your emotions unless you allow them to. It’s all based on the way you choose to think about and react to your experiences (your thoughts control your emotions, which control your behaviors, and so on). I’ll go into more detail on this in a later post.
I can’t make a change
You can. And you will (if you really want to).
I should or am supposed to …
I always tell friends/clients that this wording is a huuuuge red flag! I don’t care what it is you’re talking about, but believing that you SHOULD or HAVE to be a certain way is a cognitive distortion (aka an irrational thought). This is just your own insecurities or internal critics tearing you down and making you feel less than. Really, there’s no reason to put this kind of pressure on yourself. Show yourself some grace.
There you have it! Six simple mindset shifts that will help you start feeling more positive TODAY. If you want to keep seeing more content like this (cause ya know I love my psych stuff!), let me know! Have a great day everyone!