What I've Learned in Quarantine
Hey there! Hope you are doing well despite all the chaos going on in the world these days. Berks County is finallly transitioning into the green phase, and we are slowwwly starting to come out of quarantine. But let’s face it. Being in quarantine was tough. We were forced out of our normal routines, kept away from our friends and family, and forced to cancel a bunch of fun events and plans. I’m really hoping this was a once in a lifetime experience, but still, why not make the best of it? I believe that one good thing that came out of this mess was being forced to slow down. So many of us are used to that go go go lifestyle, so being stuck at home was definitely challenging. Here’s a quote that I recently saw that really stuck with me:
“In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider what parts are worth rushing back to.”
THIS. This is so true & so important! I know quarantine may not have looked the same for everyone (btw, we owe a huge thank you to all the essential workers out there!), but for those of you who like me, had your whole routine & work schedule flipped upside down… This is the perfect time to reflect! Over the last few months, did you notice what parts of your life/job you were really missing? Did you notice what you didn’t miss? Being forced to slow down definitely puts a LOT into perspective. After my personal reflection, here’s what I realized:
I am a true homebody.
And I’m obsessed with my dog (which I’m sure you know if you’ve seen my IG stories..). This whole working from home thing is definitely not going to help my separation anxiety from Hazel. Honestly, being home all the time hasn’t really bothered me nearly as much as I expected it to. It took a few weeks to get in the swing of things… but now, I’m honestly enjoying it.
A schedule or routine is key.
This was definitely a struggle at first, and even an ongoing battle now. Working from home definitely requires a good routine or schedule to help keep myself on track. It also helps keep me productive so I don’t end up scrolling social media for hours wondering where the day went… During the week I had to keep a pretty set schedule to have video calls with students, so this definitely helped motivate me to stay on track as well!
Pay attention to your environment.
This one is also soo important! In general, feeling comfortable and happy in your everyday space is so important for your mental health, but especialllly when you are home 24/7. Personally, I try my best to keep my space clean & organized (try is the key word), and full of things that make me happy. Even if its just some pretty home decor.
Be mindful of who you choose to allow in your life.
I mean this for in real life AND social media. Just like they say only follow people who bring you positive/inspiring feelings, also only choose to spend time with people who bring you positive/inspiring feelings. This became so evident to me as we were stuck at home and forced to find creative ways to engage and connect with others virtually, but it’s also something I have been (and want to continue) to implement in my everyday life. And I’m not saying there has to be drama cutting people out. Just set some boundaries and choose to focus on the people that truly support you and bring something positive to your life.
It’s okay to slow down.
This was definitely so hard at first! When I heard there was a stay at home order, I thought I would have a lot much time on my hands, so of course I made a huge to do list. But honestly, I’ve been kept pretty busy with work and house stuff. At first I felt guilty ignoring the list, but now I’ve realized there might not be another time that we have so much time to relax and recharge. So I took advantage of my comfy couch and catching up on shows (guilt free - for the most part haha).
I need to realign some personal + professional goals.
This was probably the most eye opening thing I realized. Over the last who knows how many years I have been doing a lot. I’ve been working pretty much 2-3 jobs, bought a house (& we’re still doing work on it), planned a wedding, and worked towards many other personal & professional goals. But once I slowed down, I was really able to reflect on what aspects of my life are actually worth continuing to work towards. Honestly, it put a lot into perspective for me. So I have a feeling I’ll be shifting some goals in the near future.
There is so much kindness & creativity in this world.
I know I know. You’re probably thinking “yeah, but look at all the horrible things that have been happening lately”. But I’m going to choose to focus on the positive here. Being forced to move pretty much all connection virtually, I saw people continue to interact and connect in the most creative ways! I also saw sooo many acts of kindness in times where it was truly needed.
I haven’t been fully focused on self care.
Having more time made me realize ways that I have been pushing self care to the side, and various hobbies that I truly missed doing. Recently, I’ve spent a lot of time reading, gardening, and just being outside. It’s so simple, but has truly made such a positive difference!
So now, I encourage you all to take a few minutes to stop and reflect. How have you felt during this whole pandemic? Who/what has brought you positivity? Who/what hasn’t? What do you miss? What are you glad to not be doing? What do you want your new normal to look like?
This experience should be a wake up call. A chance to realize what you love & how you want your life to look. OR more importantly, how do you want it NOT to look. I know most of us can’t just up and change everything, but this might be an opportunity to realize what you want and start working in that direction. Life is way too short to feel stuck in a mundane life that we aren’t truly happy with. It’s time to set some new goals & aim higher! Start today, you future self will be glad you did :)