6 Months with Young Living


Hey there! So it’s officially been six months since I started using Young Living essential oils, and I thought I would share a bit about my experiences. So first, a little background… Over the last few years I really started to pay attention to the products we have in our home and the ingredients they are made with. I’m talking beauty AND cleaning products. Lotions, shampoo, cleaning spray, candles, febreeze, etc. I used the “Think Dirty” app to look at the safety ratings of my products, and even started looking up things like “the top 10 chemicals to avoid” and found SO many of them on my labels. We want to believe that the products sold in our stores are safe, but unfortunately that just isn’t guaranteed. Cheap brands are cheap for a reason. And they contain ingredients like formaldehyde, parabans, dyes, sulfates, and soo many other things I can’t even pronounce. And many of these chemicals are known carcinogens, cause inflammation/allergic reactions, disrupt our hormones & endocrine system, and/or disturb other vital organs (and that’s just off the top of my head). Also, I hate to break it to you.. but the ingredient “fragrance” is just a euphemism for “a bunch of chemicals we aren’t legally required to tell you about”. I mean think about it.. even your laundry detergent is made of chemicals that sit on and are absorbed into our skin ALL day. Not to mention it only takes 26 seconds for those chemicals to travel from our skin to our blood stream. Basically… I just REALLY didn’t like what I was finding.


So I was looking to make a change.

My first step was signing up for Young Living by ordering the starter kit. It look a long time for me to come to this decision, partially because I couldn’t bring myself to spend the money while planning a wedding and partially because I was afraid they would end up collecting dust on my shelf. But I was so wrong! Basically, I became obsessed :) My first big change was eliminating candles (do some research! You are breathing in alll those chemicals!), which was really easy with the endless options of scents and combos. Plus the starter kit came with a diffuser, so I was pretty much set. From there I started to slowly switch out things like hand soap, laundry detergent, air fresheners, and cleaning spray. And thankfully a lot of them are things I can easily DIY (check out my IG stories for some ideas). Oh, and I’ve even also got myself a great nighttime routine! Fill the diffuser with calming scents, wellness roller (which I swear is why I didn’t get sick this past fall), chapstick, peace & calming on the wrists, and a big ol’ glass of ice water!


Aside from what’s listed above, there are countless sprays, rollers, diffuser recipes, emotional & medical aid, serums, lotions, cleaners, etc that you can DIY! You can even use vitality oils in food recipes or pill capsules. My point is that there are so many ways you can use YL products. Seriously, just take a look at Pinterest. I love to do my own research to find ways to make our home safer & healthier, and it’s been so fun finding ways to incorporate oils into my daily routine! It’s like Christmas when I see my new monthly order arrive on the front porch haha

But honestly, this change is still in process! Financially, I just couldn’t afford to just throw out every product in our home and start over. But I DO have a goal to make one small switch a month for the entire year. So while I don’t intend to use YL for every single thing, I have been continuing to find quite a few good uses for it. And waaayyy more than needed to make that first starter kit expense worth the cost. So to anyone who’s reading this, I highly recommend you start doing your research on your products! Even if essential oils “aren’t your thing”, you might be surprised what you find…

If anyone is interested in more info or has any questions, let me know! Send me an email or DM on insta. I would LOVE to chat about how you can make your home a safer place :)
